Sunday 26 February 2012

ALL - Location Scouting

This is a vodcast to show where we are potentially going to shoot when it comes to filming:

The area we are filming in is middle class and the house is well kept. We chose this location because it was easy to access because it's Gina's house to it is easy to film whenever we want. Also it's not far for all the cast members to go as it is local to the school. We are challenging the codes and conventions of music videos because not many pop videos are set in a middle class house and because we don't have a high budget it means we can't film in a studio with all the lighting and effects.   

1 comment:

  1. I left this comment + others on GMs blog, but its NOT set up to moderate comments so she may not see it...
    Remember, always provide brief text summary
    Try to consider representations too - in this case of social class & status; choices made for pragmatic reasons still have connotative resonance
    Plus, where possible, always try to make links to existing texts, even if in some cases to CONTRAST your choices with the typical conventions


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